Meet the Coaches!

Welcome friends! I bet you found your way here because you love family ministry or care for someone who loves family ministry. A little bit about me, I have served in Kids Ministry for almost 15 years. I was born and raised in Southern California and moved to Colorado as a young adult. Growing up in the church, I knew from a young age that God was calling me into Kids & Family Ministry. I graduated from Colorado Christian University with a degree in Communications and a minor in Psychology with an emphasis on Family & Child. Over the years, I have served in a staff role at a handful of churches and experienced everything from a church plant to multi-site congregations and from set up and tear down to big budget renovations. I have served alongside volunteer teams of 50 people to 200+ people and I can surprisingly say, led a kids ministry through a global pandemic!

Founder + CEO of Next Gen Ministry Network

Lauren Jackson

Kids Ministry Circle launched in Fall of 2021 out of a desire to help equip and encourage kids ministry leaders and build a community for leaders to build each other up rather than compete against one another. It has grown into being a space for the entire Next Gen Ministry Staff and we are confident that ministry is not meant to be done alone. My hope is that this can be a space for ministry leaders to come link arms with other ministry leaders, feel encouraged, prayed for, have space to learn and grow and then go and serve their communities.

My husband, Luke, and I live outside of Denver, CO with our two kiddos, Ruby (6yrs) & Noah (3yrs).