Why Kids Ministry Circle
Hello there! Welcome to Kids Ministry Circle. Whether you are a church leader, volunteer, or parent in the throws of discipling your kids—I’m glad your here!
Q: How did Kids Ministry Circle begin?
Kids Ministry Circle was born out of the loneliness and burnout I and so many others experienced serving in kids ministry. Many churches only have one staff role designated to kids ministry and in many cases, other staff members have no idea what goes into making Sunday mornings come to life. It can be overwhelming and isolating trying to manage the many different facets of kids ministry. Over the years, I have been lucky enough to make great connections and friendships with other ministry leaders, and I’m convinced the encouragement I have received has allowed me to keep doing what I love and what God has called me to. Maybe you are brand new to kids ministry, beginning a new job, or a long-time leader looking to learn and be a part of this community. Regardless, I hope that Kids Ministry Circle can be a small space to encourage and equip you. The race is hard, but isn’t it worth it? Isn’t watching kids come to know Jesus and grow in their faith is worth it? I think so too!
Q: What is a cohort?
A cohort is a small group of people who come together to grow, learn, and encourage one another. Kids Ministry Circle Cohorts run each trimester: Spring, Summer & Fall. These cover the main events that happen around Kids Ministry: Easter Sunday, VBS (Summer program), and Christmas Eve. Each trimester will hold the same content categories but the different seasons and different groups will make the conversation unique. Our cohorts will be 12-15 people from all denominations, walks of life, and levels of experience.