5 Questions to Ask When Planning for Easter

Easter is quickly approaching and I am seeing a lot of questions like, “what is everyone doing for Easter?” or “show me your best Easter plans!” Those are both great questions! I am a huge advocate for listening to and learning from other kids ministry leaders, but not at the expense of your volunteers, your staff, and your own sanity. It is easy to get wrapped up in the things we feel like we must do and forget about the things we actually can do and the things that our community needs.

So…what are we to do. Well, here are 5 things to think about when planning your Easter Programming.

  1. Can you do it well? When it comes to programming, it is key to think “less is more”. Instead of running yourself ragged by doing too many things, pick 1 or 2 things are knock them out of the park. Instead of doing 5 things okay, do 1 or 2 things excellent.

  2. Is the Gospel the main point? It is all too easy to put the Easter emphasis on egg hunts, easter baskets, and candy. When we focus on the culture aspects of Christmas, we miss the Gospel. We do not want to let Easter go by without presenting the Gospel. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ should be at the center of all we do. Is hosting an Easter egg hunt for your community a great initiative and a great way to invite neighbors to church, YES! Are there creative ways to present the Gospel and invite families to Easter services at those events, YES! Should the Easter Egg hunt be secondary to Good Friday & Easter Sunday, YES!

  3. Are you planning with your people in mind? Are you doing something just because another kids ministry leader is doing it? Have you planned with your mission & vision in mind? Are you working too hard to reach the people outside your church that you forget about the people inside your church? You know your families better than anyone else. That gives you the freedom and wisdom to plan for them!

Here are some examples…
-If the majority of parents work full time,
then a mid-week morning event is not the right answer.
-If the local schools put on a huge community easter egg hunt,
see if you can help or offer to help stuff eggs!
-If the majority of families have small kids,
equip them with music, short prayers, and small discipleship moments.

4. Are you championing the parents? Don’t forget to help parents win during Easter. If you just host events at your building or for the kids, you are missing out on a really great equipping opportunity for the parents and families. It is easy to focus on what the church can do for kids during the Easter season, but don’t forget to focus on what the parents can do for their home.

5. Is it fun? Easter is a celebration and celebrations are FUN! Order the balloon arch and the special gift. Hand out candy and create a photo booth. Easter Sunday should feel like one big party. We are celebrating that Jesus conquered sin and death, walked out of that grave, and gave his people the gift of eternal life.


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