Goal Setting Guide

Every ministry leader wants to grow in attendance, build up their volunteer teams, equip their parents, and create more opportunities for families to experience God. On top of that, Sunday morning comes every seven days! Kids ministry has a lot of moving pieces and if you don’t know where you want to go it is all too easy to get to the end of the semester or even a year and realize you never took one step forward. One can have many lofty dreams, but if you don’t spend time figuring out the how behind the what your dreams will never become reality. When you set goals, you are serving yourself, your family, and your staff well by looking ahead and making intentional steps toward keeping rest rhythms in place throughout the busy seasons.

Goal Setting Guide

Here two simple ways to get started in the goal setting process…

  1. Download the Goal Setting Guide. Fill this out by yourself or with your team and it is sure to be incredibly helpful when reflecting, planning, and building a strategy for your ministry.

  2. Watch the Goal Setting YouTube Video. Hear Lauren speak more in depth about the process and how to really take your big dreams to practical steps and answer the question, “what now?”
    [Click the button below!]

A new calendar or school year brings new opportunities to make plans, set goals and hope for what is to come. You may already set goals for yourself or for your family at the start of each year, so why not take that approach to your ministry? Goal setting is not the same as setting resolutions. Resolutions by definition are decisions to do or not to do something. That may be applicable for your personal life, but in ministry you want to set goals, have ambitions and work toward a desired outcome. 

This is a process and simply cannot be done in a one hour timeframe or even an afternoon. You will want to block off a day or even more to allow you to spend time listening for where God wants to lead you and thinking through practical steps on how to get there. 

We all learned that sometimes goals change by living through the year 2020 (& 2021), but that shouldn’t stop you from dreaming and planning. As you plan and dream, remember that God is still working. He has gone before you and there is a good chance that your plans will change throughout the year. When that happens, we have the opportunity and responsibility seek wisdom as we pivot, give ourselves grace to follow Him, and to trust when we aren’t sure what’s next. Here are 4 steps to setting goals for your ministry.