Kids Ministry Hiring 101
Whether you are hiring a replacement or hiring for a brand new role, finding the right person to join your kids ministry staff is not always easy. We all want someone who can fit in with the already existing staff culture, someone who will invest in the kids and families, and someone who will be around for a while. Adding the hiring process to an already full work week can be overwhelming at times. We want to help!
We sat down with Nancy Matossian, a Children’s Ministry Director and Associate at Slingshot Group, to help us think through the entirety of the hiring process. We asked about everything from where to post a job, who should be involved, and when you should talk about money!
Click below to watch the video.
In addition to talking with Nancy, we created a Kids Ministry Hiring Toolkit. It was designed to make the hiring process smoother and more organized.
Inside the Kids Ministry Hiring Toolkit:
1. Best Interview Question Bank
2. Hiring Checklist
3. Interview Form