4 Principles of a Pre-Service Huddle
You can call it a huddle, a rally, a morning meeting, or any other catchy thing. Regardless of the name, this time is set aside time on a Sunday morning (or saturday night) to speak life into your volunteer team. Not only does it allow them to see and experience the big picture kids ministry team, but if you use this time wisely, you can invite, train, and pray for your team all in just a few minutes!
The 4 principles to a pre-service huddle are:
W: welcome
R: reminders
A: announcements
P: prayer
Not sure how all of those fit together in such a small time, check out this video to walk you through the principles and give you practical examples of what you can say.
Click below to watch the video.
As a way to help you organize your thoughts and prepare for your weekly huddle, we’ve created a weekly huddle planner. Yes, I still love paper planners (& I know you do, too!)
You can print it out, doodle on it all week long and bring it into you meeting so you don’t forget anything important! You can also pass this along to a leader or fellow staff member so they can lead huddle time. What a win!