Kids Ministry Circle Favorites: Lent & Easter

The Lent & Easter season is the perfect opportunity to equip and encourage parents to create rhythms around discipleship. There are so many amazing Easter resources to choose from that this list could have gone on forever. I picked a handful of my favorites that can work for a variety of moments both at church and at home. I’ve split up the list into three different categories: community events, family resources, and books. You can use reference this list when you are planning your community event, encouraging families to disciple at home or looking to fill your classroom bookshelves.

Just a reminder, these resources may or may not work for your community—that’s okay! You know your church community the best and can discern what resources will be most impactful. 

Don’t forget to head over to the Kids Ministry Circle instagram. We will be taking a closer look at these resources and so many more!


4 Ways to Plan for Ministry After Easter Sunday


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